I will guide you through a company & personal change...
„"We live in fascinating times. The physical world has become intertwined with the virtual. We trade comfort for privacy. The civilisation revolution is transforming the business world and our individual lives, habits and values. I enjoy guiding companies and individuals through the cultural, business and technological transformation of our society."
...into the world of 6D
What is the world of 6D?
What can we do
for you in 6D?
- Strategic consulting - new business models
- Transformation and development programmes for leaders
- Individual & team coaching & mentoring
- Innovation workshops (Design Thinking and Human
Centric Design) - Inspirational courses and lectures
Join one of our Leadership programmes!

Together with Sinlei
Discover your strengths and areas for personal growth – uncover new horizons and your hidden potential for further development of your unique leadership style. Gain practical experience from seasoned practitioners, not lecturers or theorists. Step into the role of a leader in the safe environment of a fictional company. Tackle real business challenges and make strategic decisions that reflect the complexities of today's world.
Next date: February 20th 2025
For whom: from C-level, middle managers to startups
Program length: 5 months
Number of participants: 13-15

Together with Atairu
Senior leaders today face the challenge of transforming their companies for the digital economy and new ways of working. However, before initiating changes within their organizations, they must start with changes within themselves. This program combines personal development with organizational growth by incorporating new insights and trends from the worlds of business, technology, and psychology.
Next date: April 4th, 2025
For whom: Top management and business owners
Program length: 7 months
Number of participants: 15=18
What else do we entertain ourselves and you with?
- Regular Videocasts/Podcasts ->
CZECHárna I Boomer/Zoomer Tie-break I InspiRácio - Moderation of conferences & corporate events
- Innovation Portal -> 6DHUB.CZ
6D Team

Petr Beneš

Anna Benešová
+ wide network of external collaborators and innovators from industry experts, former colleagues and customers.
Contact us...
Do you want to collaborate on a strategy, enter into coaching relation, join one of our programs or build a customized workshop? Whatever it is, drop us a line and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

+420 724 844 318
Fakturační údaje
6D Services, s.r.o.
IČ: 05148570, DIČ: CZ05148570
Čtyřkoly 106, 257 22
© 6D Academy 2016 - 2025